Issue 1 * January 15, 2006








Skepchick News

Skepchick 2007 Calendar
We sold out of our 2006 calendar. Get on board for 2007, which is going to be twice the fun with a Skepdude Calendar also being produced.

The Amaz!ng Meeting 4: Janary 26, 2006
Are you registered? Come rub shoulders with 700 smart, social, sexy skeptics.

Pill may inhibit libido
Been awhile since you've had any interest in rocking the man in the boat? These researchers believe it might have something to do with your lack of interest in getting pregnant.

Magnet Therapy Has No Proved Benefits, British Medical Journal
Magnets? Yes, magnets! The cure for all your ills? Well, an editorial in the British Medical Journal disputes that! 
Earliest known Mayan writing found in Guatemala
The ancient Mayan culture practiced blood sacrifices, and now archeologists have found evidence in the form of ancient hieroglyphs that may show the bloody practices of the past. 
Wedding couples pick the 'Devil's date'

News of the weird - Is there a god?  Who knows!  But what we do know is that in Holland, Satan is alive and well and obviously performing marriage ceremonies.  Okay, not really Satan, but there is a rise in weddings scheduled for the date 6/6/06, Satan's favorite number. And some say marriage is Hell!
In a recent experiment, male monkeys chose toy cars, while females chose dolls
For centuries, the argument has raged as to whether there were fundamental differences in men and women's personalities. Researchers are showing that in monkeys, it is at least true that males prefer traditional male toys such as cars, and females prefer traditional female toys such as dolls. 
Terre Haute station drops NBC show
Jesus on your TV every week?  What more could many people ask?  Well in Terre Haute, Indiana, it is too much, and so Terra Haute's NBC affiliate has dropped the new show The Book of Daniel. 
Americans United sues California school district
We have heard of the Dover Pennsylvania trial that ruled that the creationism thinly disguised as "intelligent design" was not acceptable to be taught in schools. Now the Americans United for Separation of Church and State has brought action against a California School District over this very same issue. 
FDA approves ID chips in patients
Do you ever have that feeling that you are being watched?  That someone is monitoring you?  Well, now they can!  The FDA has approved an implantable tracking device for humans. 
Bosnian Hill may have pyramid
Pyramids in Egypt, Pyramids in Central and South America, Pyramids in, uh, Bosnia? Well, maybe....


EVER THOUGHT OF MODELING? is looking for a few good skeptics to appear in the 2007 calendar. Click here for more info.

Have an article, interview, or other resource you'd like to offer? You don't need to have a vagina (But it helps). Contact us!



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